"K" Games

Time:45 minutes
Designer:Günter Cornett
Session reports: May 20, 2001
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Kapitän Wackelpudding
Time:30-45 minutes
Designer:Brothers McGuire
[ Boardgame Geek | FunagainBuy
Time:90 minutes
Designer:Richard Breese
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King of the Elves
Time:60 minutes
Designer:Alan Moon
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Time:60 minutes
Designer:Michael Schacht
Kontor is a two player card game where the players are expanding the trading ports of Amsterdam and trying to gain the control of the ports. The game starts with a playing area made up of nine cards in a 5 by 5 cross with the harbour center in the middle of the cross. This playing area will expand to 6 by 6 in the basic game or 7 by 7 in the advanced. The players each start with two water/canal cards, three harbour cards and four coins. Each card has a unique number on it and possibly a coin or ship symbol. Each player has his own draw stack for harbour cards and there is a single common stack of water cards.

Each round of play consists of the players selecting a card and placing it face down. The cards are then revealed simultaneously and the player playing the higher numbered card goes first. If the other player played a card with a coin, you must play one coin to the treasury as "tax". If you cannot pay, you miss your turn. You then place your card in the playing area next to an existing card. If you play a water card, you get a coin from the treasury for extending the canal system. If you play a harbour card with one or more goods symbols on it, you establish or expand your warehouse in the region.

For the advanced game, if you play a card with a ship symbol, you can move the ship. If you move the ship next to another card with a ship symbol on it, you may remove that card from the playing area and return it to bottom of the players draw stack.

You end you turn by replacing the card you used with the same type of card you played. Therefore, you will always have three harbour cards and two water cards.

Once an area is enclosed by water and/or the edge of the playing area, the region is scored with the person in control winning the region. The control is not determined by a simple majority but by using another system best left to the rules to describe.

Play continues until the playing area is filled. The winner is the person who controls the most warehouse regions. In the advanced game, only the five largest regions are scored.

Once you have tried the regular game several times, there are several varitions in the rules for different initial setups to provide different challanges. There is also a free expansion called Das Exportlager available.

Session reports: May 26, 2001
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Kraut & Rüben
Time:30 minutes
Designer:Gerd Fenchel
Session reports: May 5, 2001
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Time:45 minutes
Designer:Rüdiger Kolze
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Copyright © 2001, Ed Rozmiarek