July 30, 2003

Session reports and Bang! review

by Ed Rozmiarek
Loads of new session reports have been posted. Several from our weekly game sessions as well as the results of our July Formula Dé race. Susan has also posted a review of the second edition of Bang!, the card game about a shootout between the good guys and bad guys in the old West. Check it out.
Posted by edroz at 8:50 AM

July 25, 2003

Web comics

by Ed Rozmiarek
I follow several web comics and regular print comics published on the web. Things like PvP, Sherman's Lagoon and Dork Tower. Sometimes you run across one you have to share. Today's Dork Tower is one of them. (It helps if you know or have played Mississippi Queen.) I can just picture some people doing the same thing as the comic. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
Posted by edroz at 1:53 PM

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