June 1, 2003

Distinguished Visitors

by Susan Rozmiarek
Nick Danger and his family were in town for the weekend and we were thrilled to welcome them over to our house Saturday evening for an all-to-brief visit. After becoming acquainted with Nick in his online pub, Nigglybits, and over many online games, it was great to finally get to meet him. He even brought us one of his clever Dice Boots and yes, it really works quite well. We didn't give it the drop test, though ;-) Even more impressive, was a prototype he brought for us to try. Since it is a prototype (which I bet he could get published), I won't say much about the actual game, other than that Ed, our friend Mark, and I were all favorably impressed and left wondering how people come up with these creative ideas for games. Afterwards, Ed, Nick and Mark played a game of Schnäppchen Jagd, while Nick's wife, Haven, and I took the kids to the park. I was sorry to miss the game, but it turns out I have several things in common with Haven and I really enjoyed my visit with her. We were sorry to see them leave, but hope to get together with them again in the future.
Posted by susanroz at 7:39 PM

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