May 23, 2001

Dork Tower

by Ed Rozmiarek
I now it's probably not new to many people, but I have recently got around to reading some of the archives for the Dork Tower comic strip. If you don't know what it is, it's a comic about the adventures of a group of gamers. It has a lot of game and computer related humor. The strip runs three times a week on the Game Spy site and is also published as a bi-monthly comic book. John Kovalic, the artist/author of the comic, has done the artwork for a couple of games including Steve Jackson's Chez Geek and the upcoming Munchkin. I find the comic is very funny and if you are a gamer, you should enjoy it too. It ranks right up there with my other favorite game related comic, Knights of the Dinner Table. Check out Dork Tower today. (I wonder if my kids would let me get a PokéGONE Mousetrap t-shirt???)
Posted by edroz at 12:00 PM

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